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Author Revised edition

Miller's View


Reaching a dead end at the restaurant, Miller and Branson head to the community of homes along the banks of the Mississippi where a whole sub-culture of people live in the wooded area that runs along the river. They’ve created their own language—a combination of French and broken-southerncountry

English—and lifestyle that keeps them separated. It

always amazes Miller how they’re so different from the rest of the town’s people just a few miles away, but the young Branson is not excited about knocking door to door to look for this girl.

He’s heard rumors and stories about the people there and they make him uneasy.


Now Available!! A revised Author edition of AS I SEE IT will be re-released as an ebook. 

The Case of the Blue Diamonds had me hooked. The suspense was perfect! And the twists were exciting! This is definitely one you want to read!

5-stars all the way!!

        ~*~Toni M., Polished Pages Editing, LLC.~*~


Miller's View: A Look into the Darkness**


Miller heads for Elyse’s place; convincing Cora to tell him Ilysa’s whereabouts is his mission, but the face of the gentleman at headquarters continues to flash in his mind. He arrives at the cottage by late morning, but the smell of breakfast is still strong in the air. The screened porch and front doors are open. Miller approaches slowly because the steps are in no better shape than last the time he was here. The wood on the porch creaks with every step. No one could possibly sneak up on these people. Miller knocks on the splintered wood frame of the door. There is no answer. He knocks again and announces himself. Again there is no answer. Miller pulls his weapon from his shoulder holster and proceeds inside. He carefully checks each room and finds nothing out of place. He turns to leave when he hears footsteps coming from the room overhead. He’d forgotten about the staircase at the side of the porch that lead upstairs. When he stops at the front door, Cora is at the bottom of the staircase.













The Case of the Blue Diamonds, the third volume in the Miller’s View series, finds Detective Jonathan Miller working to strengthen his link to a mysterious Priestess and the rose-tinted glasses that assist him in his work, and embarking on the next chapter of his life with his sweetheart Callie. But Miller soon realizes the stakes are about to be raised, and the price could cost him the love of his life.

Though he’s thrilled that Callie’s accepted his proposal, Miller’s happiness is tempered by the new case he’s been working on. After illegal blue diamonds are discovered concealed in the back of priceless artwork destined for clients overseas, Miller begins to uncover a dangerous crime syndicate and some surprising accomplices in Hammond.

As Miller gets closer to digging up long-buried secrets—Callie is kidnapped, and their future is threatened when her fears over what marriage to him will mean cause her to reconsider their relationship.

When an officer and his girlfriend are murdered, and Miller learns the criminal organization has one of their own executed to hide the truth, he realizes he’s not the only one with a priestess at his disposal—and becomes more determined than ever to win Callie back and close the investigation.

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