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 Seeing my work in print was exciting.  But I drifted away from my love .  It took and emotional crisis to bring me back. Years of depression and  chasing after a dream, I almost lost my husband and family.  And though I didn't write for children my first release of As I See It was my re-introduction to my love of writing. It was my therapy and my life-line back to reality I have since revised and refreshed it, and its sequel 'The Heart of a Dream' is waiting I the wings.


After this came my first mystery. Originally set to be a Trilogy. Miller's View. My young detective will uncover the lies and conspiracy behind the murder of a private investigator and find a woman he comes to love in the heart of it.


Its sequel: Miller's View: A Look Into the Darkness is NOW AVAILABLE





The Detective Series takes you through Miller's unusual cases in Hammond, Louisiana. His criminal investigations lead him into the ugly secrets of Hammonds citizens, including some unexpected family members.

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